Some coming changes to Underground FM

If you've visited our website before you may have noticed a significant design change. That's because we're currently working on upping our game to be able to better compete with other stations. In a free market dominated by big media companies, we're just a speck compared to Alpha Media, iHeart, and others. Because of that, we're trying to also bring our A-game to the table. For the past month, the station has been exclusively running on autopilot. This is a project maintained by just a few people, and because of this updating content takes a long time. In a month or two, this station will be operating at full tilt, with more content and less autopilot robot-ness. I hope sometime soon that Underground FM will be able to reach everyone, far and wide, via better radio range, and the internet with a better and updated web player. Please follow us along our journey, showing that a radio station doesn't need to be owned or run by big media to have an impact. We're not asking for financial support, all we're asking is for your interest to give us a listen, even if just now and then.


If you or somebody you know would like to have a song or collection of them aired on this station, please visit our contact page. We are always looking for more great songs from local artists and musicians, or those that don't have a voice on the normal media in our area. Even if you don't personally know someone that you would like to be featured on this station, please contact us, it's the only way we can hear what our audience wants.